Radionica će se održavati od 12. do 21. svibnja i obuhvaćat će teorijski dio, te vizualne vježbe na kojem će sudionici biti upoznati sa raznovrsnim metodologijama vizualno antropoloških istraživanja, nakon čega će dobiti priliku i da odu nekoliko puta na teren te snime kratak materijal na osnovu klasičnih stilova vizualnih antropologa. Sudionici će tematski biti podijeljeni u 3 skupine. Drugi dio radionice rezerviran je za intenzivan terenski rad gdje će učesnici izaći na teren i snimiti materijal. Zadnji dani radionice biti će posvećeni montaži filmova. Filmovi nastali na radionici prikazat će se zadnji dan festivala, izvan natjecateljske konkurencije.
Workshop wil be held from May 12th to 21st and will consist of theoretical part as well as visual excercises during which participants will learn about different methodologies of visual anthropology. Participants will be divided into group, based on different topics. decond part of the workshop is reserved for the intense fieldwork during which they will be filming materials on the streets of Zadar. Last days of the workshop will consist of editing sessions and films produced during this period will be shown at the closing of the festival!
Ove godine, odlučli smo organizirati radionicu u sklopu SEF festivala kroz suradnju s beogradskim studentima koji imaju višegodišnje iskustvo organizacije Škole vizuelne antropologije, odnosno radionice u sklopu koje su nastali brojni dobri filmovi, a neki od njih su se prikazivali i na različitim europskim festivalima etnografskog filma.
This year, we decided to organize a film workshop in cooperation with anthropology students from Belgrade, who have a lot of experience with organizing the School of visual anthropology - set of workshops which produced many quality films, some of which were presented at different European ethnofilm festivals.
RELJA PEKIĆ je diplomirani etnolog i antropolog, trenutno na diplomskim studijama na Filozofskom fakultetu u Beogradu. Autor je više kratkih etnografskih filmova, koji su bili prikazivani u Beogradu, Ljubljani, Isoli i Moskvi, a prošle godine na SEF festivalu u Zadru osvojio je prvu nagradu publike za film „Crossroads of culture“ . 2012. I 2013-e bio je predsjednik studentskog žirija na Međunarodnom etnološkom festivalu u Beogradu, a područja njegova interesa na diplomskim studijama su antropologija sporta ,navijačke skupine, politički ekstremizmi i vizualna antropologija. U klubu studenata etnologije i antropologije realizirao je tri „Škole vizualne antropologije“ u Beogradu, radionicu „Antropologija, kontaš?“ za srednjoškolce, kao i programe kulturne razmjene. Trenutno radi u Vega omladinskom centru i podražava razvijanje nezavisne studentske produkcije antropološkog filma u Beogradu.
Relja Pekić is a graduate ethnologist and anthropologist, currently on Master studies at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. He is author of several short ethnographic films that were screened in Belgrade, Ljubljana, Isola and Moscow. Last year on SEF Festival in Zadar, he won the first prize of audience for the film "Crossroads of Culture". Back in 2012. and 2013., he was president of the student jury at the International ethnological festival in Belgrade. His interest in master studies in the field of anthropology of sport, fandom societies, political extremism and visual anthropology. In student organization “KSEA”, he realized three "Schools of visual anthropology" in Belgrade, workshop "Anthropology, right?" for high school students, as well as cultural exchange programs. Currently working in Vega youth center, which supports the development of independent student production of anthropological film in Belgrade.
VANJA RISTIĆ je studentica završne godine etnologije i antropologije na Filozofskom fakultetu u Beogradu. Sudjelovala je na Creative documentary film school ACTive i snimila film “The spring in summer” koji je osvojio nagradju žirija na prošlogodišnjem SEF festivalu. Koordinatoricaa je radionice “Škola vizualne antropologije” u Beogradu. Realizirala je projekte kulturne razmjene, predavala je na projektu za srednjoškolce “Antropologija, kontaš?” u području antropologije spola/roda, a angažirana je na međunarodnim seminarima za mlade. Podržava studentski aktivizam i produkciju, čime se i bavi u KSEA-i.
Vanja Ristić is a final year student of ethnology and anthropology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. She participated in Creative documentary film school AcTiVe and filmed the movie "The spring and summer," which won the jury rewarded at last year's SEF festival. She was coordinator of the workshop "School of Visual Anthropology" in Belgrade. She realized projects of cultural exchange, and taught at the high school project "Anthropology, right?" In the field of anthropology of gender/sex, she was engaged in international seminars for young people. She supports student activism and production in student organization “KSEA”.