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Pobjedik petog SEF festivala je..//

Winner of the fifth SEF  festival is...

"The way of the shaman drum" by João Meirinhos

Pobjednički film SEF festivala 2018. je film

"The way of the shaman drum" autora João Meirinhos.


Stručni žiri su činili Anja Iveković Martinis, Erik Lončar i Mario Županović.

Odluku o pobjedničkom filmu su obrazložili slijedećim riječima: 

Film osim što na relevantan način obrađuje etnografsko nasljeđe (majstora izrade ritualnih bubnjeva u Kini), također predstavlja i probleme i izazove očuvanja etnografske tradicije uzrokovane političkim, kulturnim, religijskim i ideološkim premisama. The way of the shaman drum je i na estetskom planu koherentan film, utemeljen na upotrebi video intervjua i asocijativne montaže te fluidno provedenim kadriranjem odnosno raskadriranjem u ritmu srednji plan-krupni plan-detalj. Vještim i kreativnim rukovanjem filmskim izražajnim sredstvima autor obogaćuje jednu klasičnu etnografsku temu (očuvanje tradicijskog nasljeđa) i stvara sadržajno i formalno dojmljivo filmsko djelo. 

Zbog svega navedenog, smatramo kako je The way of the shaman drum zaslužio ponijeti titulu najboljeg filma SEF festivala 2018.

Winner of the fifth SEF festival is  the film ...

"The way of the shaman drum" by João Meirinhos.

Members of the jury Anja Iveković Martinis, Erik Lončar and Mario Županović explained their decision with these words: 

The film, apart from dealing with the ethnographic heritage (master of ritual drumming in China), also presents the problems and challenges of preserving the ethnographic tradition caused by political, cultural, religious and ideological premise. The way of the shaman drum is also a coherent film based on the aesthetic plan, based on the use of video interviews and associative editing and by fluidly executed framing or framing in the rhythm of the medium plan and the close up detail. Skilled and creative handling of cinematic means of expression author enriches a classic ethnographic topic (preserving traditional heritage) and creates content and formally impressive film work.

Because of all this, we consider "The Way of the Shaman Drum" deserves to take the title of the best SEF 2018 movie.

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