Jessica Bollag (Switzerland) The state of Iowa is the largest producer of soy and corn in the U.S.. In the town of Eldon, Iowa, the multi-national corporations, Cargill and John Deere, are the most important job sources - mostly in the low income bracket. In the town there are hardly any public services. Five young people talk about their daily lives in this rural area. Firing and outsourcing are real threats.

Relja Pekić Crić, Milica Josimović (Serbia) Film reprezentuje život mladih ljudi, njihovo kulturno i sportsko okruženje u Opštini Trgovište na samom jugu Srbije. Trgovište spada u grupu najneravijenih opština u Srbiji i suočava sa sa ekonomskim problemima koji utiču na kvalitet života stanovnika, kao i konstantnim ekonomskim migracijama mladih.

Aid Bešić, Shqipdona Ademaj (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia) Dimitri rifles through, and occasionally sings his memories. A Fist of Memory follows him as he recounts his greatest love, his family’s past, and the fortunes and misfortunes of his life, now all contained in photo albums, filled with people who aren’t there.

Martha Cecilia Dietrich (Switzerland) Eudosia is still searching for her husband’s remains in the highlands of Ayacucho, Lucero has been in prison for 25 years now for the crime of terrorism against the Peruvian state, and since 2009 the commandos of the counterinsurgency unit Chavin de Huantar recreate and commemorate their heroic military actions to save a nation from the threat of terrorism.

Hourmazdi Golnaz (Germany) Revolutions are associated with images of upheaval, energy and excitement. But what does it mean being a revolutionary? – especially in a time when the revolution becomes history and the people who were active during the revolution live on. The ethnographic film “Lang leben die Revolutionärinnen” contemplates two women of the Iranian Revolution of 1979 with a special focus on their present-day lives – more than 35 years later.

Sandro Sklepić, Sara Mikelić (Croatia) Psihonautika (dolazi od grčke riječi ψυχή psychē ["duša'', ''um"] i ναύτης naútēs ["nautičar'', ''navigator"]) se odnosi na metodologiju za opisivanje i objašnjavanje subjektivnih učinaka izmijenjenih stanja svijesti, uključujući i one izazvane tvarima koje mijenjaju stanje svijesti. Film Psihonauti istražuje problematiku vezanu uz konzumaciju psihoaktivnih supstanci na primjeru psytrance kulture s naglaskom na festivalsku scenu.

Maja Bošković, Renata Lučić (Croatia) Lastovski Poklad jedan je od najstarijih pokladnih običaja u Europi. Pratimo njegove sudionike i promjenu u atmosferi ovog uspavanog otoka, koji je najdalji naseljeni otok u Hrvatskoj.

Marija Mrkić, Nina Šašić, Stefan Pejić (Serbia) Autori ovog filma nastoje da dočaraju postojeću drag queen scenu u Beogradu kroz tri uporedne price o tri međusobno različite drag queen persone. To žele da urade profilisanjem tri osobe kroz čije price se prožimaju doživljaji o njihovom spremanju za drag queen nastup, teškoće sa kojima su se suočavali u počecima svojih drag performansa, kao i to na koji način se njihov drag queen identitet oformio Ii menjao kroz vreme. Prenoseći nam svoje iskustvo

Danilo Trbojević, Nađa Pavlica, Ana Matićević (Serbia) Film prikazuje priču jednog mladića romske nacionalnosti koji je celog svog života bio između doma i ulice. Rano napušten, kružeći po različitim domovima, a zatim pokušavši u inostranstvu, Muki danas živi i radi u Beogradu na parkingu u centru prestonice.

Julie Høj Thomsen (United Kingdom) The young Honduran street artist, Alexander, travels around Central America and earn his living by performing in public spaces. While traveling in Guatemala Alexander receives the news that one of his best friends, 'El Waico' has been killed in their home city, the Honduran capital Tegucigalpa. The film follows Alexander's journey from Guatemala City to Tegucigalpa in his search for answers to the murder of his friend.

Jef Coons (Germany) Hundreds of eyes. Thousands of eyes. The world is watching. Maybe the world is even watching you.

Ramona Helena Sonderegge (Switzerland) Mummy, mama and daddy; mummy, mama and sperm donor: The film Extended Family offers an intimate insight into two same-sex families' lives, who found a way to create their families within a legal grey zone in Switzerland. Swiss law bans access to adoption and any assisted reproductive medicine for same-sex couples. The portrayed families therefore do not exist officially.

Norika Sefa (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia). Flutter visits a town hidden behind stone walls. Over time, the regular movements of nature through the town create a new teasing rhythm against its stillness.

Elise Laker (United Kingdom) A short documentary about the challenges economic migration can create for families living in the world's most remittance-dependent country, Tajikistan.